Literary scholars produced approximately 700 articles about Toni Morrison’s fiction.
Scholars covered a variety of topics on Morrison’s novels, primarily concentrating on Beloved (1987), The Bluest Eye (1970), Song of Solomon (1977), and Sula (1973).
The 700 articles in our dataset of articles on Morrison cover a 47-year period, 1973 - 2020.
Six scholarly journals—African American Review, CLAJ, MFS, Black American Literature, MELUS, and The Explicator— have published ten or more articles about Morrison.
Two journals in particular—African American Review and College Language Association Journal (CLAJ)— published the most articles about Morrison. AAR published sixty articles while CLAJ has published 26 articles.
At least 68 critics have written more than one article about Morrison with Trudier Harris, Justine Talley, Susana Vega-Gonzalez, and Marilyn Judith Atlas publishing at least four or more works about the novelist.
Explore this interactive bibliography, which focuses on publication decade and key novels.